Mexico’s crime wave has left about 25,000 missing, government documents show

WASHINGTON POST:  Mexico’s attorney general has compiled a list showing that more than 25,000 adults and children have gone missing in Mexico in the past six years, according to unpublished government documents.

The data sets, submitted by state prosecutors and vetted by the federal government but never released to the public, chronicle the disappearance of tens of thousands of people in the chaos and violence that have enveloped Mexico during its fight against drug mafias and crime gangs…

Critics say the outgoing government has been slow to collect data on those who disappeared and is burying the numbers because their publication would highlight Mexico’s failure to investigate the cases and undermine efforts by Calderon to show that his U.S.-backed fight against organized crime is working…  (more)

EDITOR:  So long as a ready and lucrative market for illegal drugs exists throughout the world, prohibition will not work.  It didn’t for alcohol prohibition, it won’t for marijuana, Ecstasy and other forms of popular drugs that are less dangerous than legal alcohol and tobacco.

 We are fighting a foolish and futile war.  Tax, regulate and control marijuana as we do alcohol.  Treat hard drugs as primarily a health rather than criminal justice problem.

