Mexican standoff

By Dan Rather

From AOL:

…Jorge Castañeda, who served as foreign minister under Calderón’s predecessor and now teaches at New York University, thinks the answer is to legalize drugs in Mexico and the United States — starting with marijuana.

“Legalization of drugs doesn’t seem to me to be a terribly radical proposal,” he said, pointing out that more than a dozen states already allow the use of medical marijuana, and that California voters came close to legalizing the drug for recreational use…

Making pot legal, Castañeda says, would kneecap the cartels, which make their profit from the very illegality of the drug they are selling. Drug users are willing to pay a premium for what they can’t easily get; Making pot legal would drop prices and put traffickers out of business. Not only that, says Castañeda, but an above-board marijuana trade would employ thousands of workers, and allow the Mexican government to collect much-needed tax revenues…

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