Mark Zuckerberg Will Hold Fundraiser For Chris Christie

BUZZFEED:  … [New Jersey Gov. Chris ] Christie, who is up for reelection this year, first met Zuckerberg in 2010, when the Silicon Valley billionaire donated $100 million to Newark public schools. But the backing from Facebook’s chairman and chief executive offers far more than money: It is a mark of how Christie, almost alone among his party, has emerged as the sort of natural figure who can cut deep into traditionally Democratic constituencies, like powerful young tech magnates.

“Mark and Priscilla have worked closely with Governor Christie on education reform in the Newark school system,” said Sarah Feinberg, a spokesperson for Facebook. “They admire his leadership on education reform and other issues and look forward to continuing their important work together on behalf of Newark’s schoolchildren. Mark and Priscilla are happy to host him at their home to support his reelection.”…

News of the fundraiser comes as Christie continues to ride a wave of popularity in his state, due largely to how he has handled the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. One poll this week showed him with a 74% approval rating in New Jersey, and records released Tuesday indicated his campaign has a $2 million war chest, even as Democrats in the state struggle to coalesce behind a viable opponent… (more)

EDITOR: If he can win the 2016 Republican primary (a big “if” for a moderate Republican, Christie might well become the 45th President.  Appears he is already off and running.  Imagine a Christie / Jindal ticket.
