Marijuana safer than prescription drugs

[State Rep. Katie True] is another politician that’s never tried [marijuana], yet they feel so qualified to give their opinion. This is just one reason why the Republican party is breaking up and shrinking. I thought they were the party of “keep government out of my healthcare” .I’m sure she would prefer us to take Vioxxx, which the FDA apparently screwed up big time with.   –

“In addition to its own studies, on September 23, 2004 Merck apparently received information about new research by the FDA that supported previous findings of increased risk of heart attack among rofecoxib users (Grassley, 2004). FDA analysts estimated that Vioxx caused between 88,000 and 139,000 heart attacks, 30 to 40 percent of which were probably fatal, in the five years the drug was on the market.” – Wikipedia

How do these drugs get passed the FDA with so little research? Could it be the ole political lube of gifts from lobbyists?

Marijuana has been around longer than alcohol and hasn’t killed one person yet, but people like True would rather us take synthetic prescription drugs with a list of side effects longer than the Vietnam Vet Memorial.

Most pain medicines out there result in strong physical dependence. Just ask Rush Limbaugh.  Why should I have to take some pill that’s a cousin of Heroin or something like Vioxxx when I know Marijuana is safer and non-addictive?
