Marcellus Shale drilling at resurrection cemetery-Moon Twp, PA

If you are concerned about “Shale Drilling “ lease agreements for money with Huntley & Huntley Drilling Company at Resurrection Cemetery Moon Twp, PA, contact your parish priest and Bishop Zubic.

Catholics are taught that Catholic Cemeteries where our loved ones are buried is hallowed ground. These tranquil grounds are not just for the dead, but
for the living who return to mourn, to place and remember.  Catholics should request answers to the following questions.

Why was this information not communicated to members of the Catholic Church ?

How many acres at Resurrection are covered in the lease agreement and how much money was paid for the five year lease ?    Huntley and Huntley of Monroeville is a private drilling company with several investor groups.  Who are these people who will gain financially from Marcellus Shale Drilling at Resurrection Cemetery, Moon Twp, PA ?
