Malware in Target attack partly in Russian

USA TODAY: … Some parts of the malware code were written in Russian and BlackPOS, the malware from which this latest malware derived, was originally developed by a Russian cyber crime master, according to Tiffany Jones, an executive at iSIGHT Partners.

iSIGHT, an online security firm, helped research and produce the report, along with the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Secret Service and the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center. iSIGHT posted a summary of the report on its website Thursday.

Target said last week that cyber thieves compromised the credit card data and personal information of as many as 110 million customers through point of sale, or POS, systems the company uses. The stolen data includes phone numbers, e-mail and home addresses, credit and debit card numbers, PINs, expiration dates… (more)
