Maligns publisher’s Havanese Dog

Watch Dog? Looks more like Newslanc’s dog is modeled after Publisher Robert Field’s miniature poodle based on comments made regarding the Sunshine Law.

Here’s a quote which demonstrates a complete and total lack of understanding of what the Sunshine (current!!!)law is to prevent: “Concealment of information to which the public is entitled should be prevented!”

OR NOT! The purpose of the Sunshine Law is not just to stop concealment but rather to allow the public to be INVOLVED with the discussion! According to your recent comments you fail to understand that the public is to WITNESS deliberation AND participate as well! When the commissioners met BEHIND CLOSED DOORS to discuss and DECIDE – they shut the public out who is REQUIRED BY LAW to be involved in such a decision. Keep in mind that the Government Study Commission is ELECTED government body – they are NOT a county department that the commissioners have statutory authority over.

To quote the preamble of the Sunshine Law:

“The General Assembly finds that the right of the public to be present at all meetings of agencies and to witness the deliberation, policy formulation and decision making of agencies is vital to the enhancement and proper functioning of the democratic process and that secrecy in public affairs undermines the faith of the public in government and the public’s effectiveness in fulfilling its role in a democratic society.”
