Major PA Democrat Party funders unhappy with Ed Rendell and Chuck Schumer

By Robert Field


“That’s $2 million squandered that now cannot be used against Pat Toomey, no matter who wins,” said Jim Burn, former chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party who has endorsed Sestak. “Shame on them.” –

Questions have been posed by Pennsylvanian major political donors concerning the spending of millions in otherwise general election senatorial funds to defeat the highly qualified and popular Joe Sestak, rather than awaiting the outcome of the Pennsylvania primary to use these funds to defeat incumbent senator Pat Toomey.

Moreover, because they sense the party has been misled by its leaders and only Sestak could win the general election, some major donors may not be willing to contribute large amounts to  PACs to aid the primary winner.

“Stupid” and “self serving” do not fully describe the efforts by party leaders to anoint candidates that will serve their beck and call. It is Democrat Party voters, not themselves, that the party leaders should be serving.

As a result of such foolishness, Senator Pat Toomey way well be re-elected and, still more,  the Senate remain under Republican control.

The Republicans have the Donald Trump factor that may cost them the presidency.  The Democrats have former governor Ed Rendell and New York senator Chuck Schumer that may cost them the Senate..

What an irony.



  1. If the goal is — as it should be — to defeat Toomey in November, then funds in a primary fight makes no sense whatsoever. Which gives rise to the suspicion that Rendell in particular has a different agenda. If this Senate seat isn’t turned, the so called party leaders have no one to blame but their own myopic selves.

  2. What major donors? What have they said? You can’t just make statements with no attribution. Come on.

    FIELD: Those who know of me, will likely accept my word.

    Would you rather I say that a reputable source asking to remain anonymous told me?

    Well they did.

  3. I agree, wasting money on a candidate that consistently trails in the polls for a primary is flat out stupid.

  4. Remember it was Rendell who brought a Republican into the Democratic Party to run for Senate 6 years ago. A Republican who ushered in the more conservative Supreme Court in a lifetime. It’s all about Rendell, which is why McGinty will never get my vote. Sestak all the way.

  5. Probably Bob is referring to himself

    ROBERT: I am but one.

  6. That money was desperately needed for the general election. Toomey will outspend the Dem candidate.

    Let the Democratic voters decide the primary without wasting so much party money. This is why I only give directly to candidates and not to the party apparatus.

  7. That money was desperately needed for the general election. Toomey will outspend the Dem candidate.

  8. Toomey should be the number one target inBB4C this election!

  9. I’m not a major funder. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But Ed Rendell has harmed our party and state, and should stay home and let PA Democrats pick the candidates of their preference — without his meddling.

    Chuck Schumer can’t be trusted to put the needs of the party and country ahead of his preferences. Dick Durbin would make a better Majority Leader. And Elizabeth Warren even better yet.

  10. I don’t think the two vary on the issues. However, Sestak is a much more aggresive campaigner.

    Other than the last week TV ad blitz, I have not seen any evidence that McGinty was actually running for office.

  11. Joe has been pressing flesh across the Commonwealth for a long time. Katie seems content to let others and their money do the work for her and that she is due the job because it is her turn as a consolation prize for not being elected governor. It is not.

  12. You don’t get 3 stars without: 1). Making a few enemies 2). Learning a thing or two

  13. It’s time this party got rid of the likes of Ed Rendell…he clearly forgotten who does all the leg work and thinks money is the only thing that matters! He has believed for far too long that he can bully the actual workers of this party by shoving his choice down our throats! I for one am tired of him a d want him gone…#istandwithjoe!

  14. Sestak supporters don’t seem concerned about the $10 million Specter had in the bank to fight Toomey that got squandered by Sestak (or the $4.5 million Sestak has raised to hold the 7th, that he abandoned)

  15. So Jim Burn is mad he been left with no clout, I am actually one of the few who liked him as chair. Sestak is a quality Candidate, but has lost his appeal that he had in 2010, maybe of his progressive ideals became laws and now he has been left behind. Sedgwick has been running for this seat for years, why doesn’t he have more money, more support? Doesn’t help he is terrible in debates, and lets be honest Toomey is not an inspired speaker himself. I want a Senator that lives in PA, as Santorum.

  16. Why not work to get DWS out? No meed to shun entire party because the chair is an idiot.

  17. The man walked the Ephrata parade last year shaking hands. I met him once before. He also has my vote.

  18. I have no say in primaries as a democrat..thanks to the DNC choosing their girl and assuring her victory with their super delegates..the whole primary process is a farce. No, I’m done with the democratic party.

  19. The Democratic Party establishment is worthless in the Commonwealth just as it is nationally — it’s time for a PROGRESSIVE PARTY !!!

  20. Katie McGinty is the anointed one, though she is not named in this story. I was going to vote for her, but she aligned herself in a joint fundraising letter with HRC months ago, implying they were “a team.” That ended any thought I had of voting for her.

    McGinty served in the Clinton Administration and has not held elective office. She ran against Tom Wolf for the gubernatorial nomination and lost to Wolf, who won the general in 2014.

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