Madeleine Albright On Susan Rice’s Withdrawal: ‘It’s Appalling What Happened Here’

HUFFINGTON POST:   Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she found the treatment of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice by Republican senators “appalling,” arguing that her consideration to be the next Secretary of State became a “political football” that had very little to do with her actual career and record as a public servant.

“I just think it’s appalling what happened here. Appalling,” she told The Huffington Post in an interview on Friday morning, noting she had known Rice since she was 4 years old. “I think there are many aspects to this which … are just completely fabricated and unfair, and just not the right way to treat someone who has dedicated her life to serving the United States.”…

When asked about whether the president needs to seriously consider women for the spots, Albright replied, “The most important thing is for the president to have a qualified person for the role. That is the most important aspect. You want to have the best people, and it’s obviously the president’s choice.”…  (more)

