Luring Biden, Now Walking on Sidelines, To Run in ‘16

NEW YORK TIMES: …Will Pierce and his band of Bidenistas argue that the vice president is the best Democrat to carry on the legacy of President Obama and they are working overtime to convince him of that. They have collected more than 81,000 petition signatures, sponsored house parties, secured endorsements, made fund-raising calls, issued news releases and, on Saturday, will sponsor a rally in Davenport, Iowa, all in the hope of luring the vice president into the race.

“We’re bringing on more people. We just want to show the vice president the support he has,” said Mr. Pierce, 27, an Army Reserve captain who served in Iraq and started the draft committee this spring. “When and if he gets into the race, he’ll have a foundation. He’ll have some endorsers. He’ll have a grass-roots organization ready to go.”

The draft committee reflects an undercurrent of discontent in the Democratic Party with the idea of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gliding to the nomination. The momentum shown by the long-shot candidacy of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has encouraged those in the party who want a choice… (more)

EDITOR: Bernie Sanders sends important messages and is energizing the party, but Joe Biden would be a viable candidate. Age is his big problem.
