Lottery deal unwarranted roll of dice

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial:   …The administration acted with extraordinary speed to award a 20-year contract to Camelot Global Services PA LLC, part of the company that manages the national lottery in the United Kingdom. Since the award of the contract last month, the deal has not improved with age…

The basic terms of the Pennsylvania contract are not particularly alluring for the commonwealth. The company would return $34 billion in profit over 20 years, but some lawmakers have noted that the rate of increase is roughly equivalent merely to the rate of inflation – a rate that the state-run lottery surely could match…

Given the secretive manner in which the deal was born and developed, it’s not surprising that a poll by Franklin & Marshall College last week found a whopping 64 percent of Pennsylvanians strongly or somewhat opposed to the deal, while only 18 percent strongly or somewhat favored it…  (more)
