Losing the federal courthouse project would be another punch in the gut for Harrisburg

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:  “As far as I know, everything’s proceeding as planned,” U.S. Rep. Tim Holden (D-Schuylkill) said in February 2011 abut the new site for a federal courthouse in Harrisburg. Add that quote to the list of famous last words. Rep. Holden lost his re-election bid, meaning one of the main congressional backers of the courthouse project won’t be in Washington anymore.

It might not have mattered. Redistricting carved up central Pennsylvania in new ways, including placing the capital city in a district that includes all of York and Adams counties. This new district will likely go Republican, and if that happens the city’s issues probably will not be a top priority for the next congressman. ..

This isn’t just another building for Harrisburg. It would be a much-needed sign of hope for the heavily indebted city. The courthouse has the potential to jump-start a renaissance in midtown Harrisburg of new homes, shops and businesses. .. .  (more)
