Looking for links, answers on Hershey student housing

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:   … In 2006, the Trust paid $12 million to complete the purchase of Wren Dale.

The land had been assessed in 2002, before the real estate market along the Route 39 corridor exploded, for far less, and Wren Dale was saddled with $7 million in debts…

That same month, LeRoy Zimmerman, Chairman of the Trust and Milton Hershey School Board of Managers, issued an open letter in which he wrote, “We purchased [Wren Dale], along with 16 other properties, on the North Campus because we wanted to position the School to serve more students than ever before, and this property was an important piece of a comprehensive plan.”..

Attorney General Kathleen Kane is the first women and the first Democrat ever elected to the office. She did not receive $765,000 in campaign donations from Eckert Seamans, a Pittsburgh-based law firm which contributed that sum to Corbett’s gubernatorial campaign and which, at the time, touted former Attorney General Leroy Zimmerman as its senior counsel…  (more)
