Re: ” LNP once-enthusiastic faith costing it serious money”
…The financial team at LNP/Steinman enterprises wasn’t “taken advantage” of. That someone would suggest so is just hilarious.
The folks at LNP/Steinman were willing participants and saw the parking garage as a great investment and revenue generator.
Quite simply, they were wrong. But that doesn’t mean they were taken advantage of.
EDITOR: Jack Buckwalter, then CEO of Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., told Robert Field that the convention center project was being handled by Dale High. Buckwalter said he had recently taken over the LNP leadership and was devoting his time to their various business enterprises. Of course this does not excuse LNP. But perhaps that is what the writer of the above had in mind.
There will be very few tears shed for LNP/PSP….they brought this on, and THEY ALONE should be held accountable for any financial shortfalls. I doubt very seriously if the Marriott is losing any money, given the one-sided nature of the ‘working agreement’ between the Marriott and the Convention Center.