LNP takes cheap shot at Hillary Clinton by publishing Lewistown Sentinel bogus editorial

The Lewistown Sentinel editorial is headed “Clinton investigation needs objectivity.”

It contains the following :   “It seems clear that while Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton broke the law through her handling of e-mails and government secrets.”

Get this.   The editors presume to tell readers what the investigation will conclude while calling for “objectivity.”

And are there even allegations that Clinton “broke the law” rather than disregarded a regulation, to which she may not even have been subject?

This is a cheap shot by the LNP editorial board that apparently doesn’t have the data to support making the same assertion or is afraid to offend readership by saying so

Especially given the unsubstantiated allegation, why re-publish an editorial from the hardly known Lewiston Sentinel that publishes in the heartland of right wing conservatism?

Shame on the LNP editorial board.



  1. Lazy, irresponsible journalism on every level, in both the writing and the editing. About what I’d expect from the Lewistown Rag, mindlessly echoed by LNP.

  2. This does not surprise me. It is typical of LNP. Many of letters to the editor are unsubstantiated and this is just another one of 1/2 truths and BS. Not surprising at all!

  3. Nothing new from LNP. The idea of journalistic ethics at that newspaper is nothing but a punchline.

    EDITOR: We believe there has ben a significant improvement at LNP over the past year or two While we find fault with them from time to time, we also have reason to be displeased at times with reports in the New York Times and other leading publications.

  4. Improvement? Really? LNP remains a lily-white ‘newspaper’ which refuses to acknowledge or challenge the governmental, judicial or business ‘Power-Elite’. They continue to self-promote themselves at every and any opportunity, and go on witch-hunts after those who may have crossed their paths. They refuse to provide any substantive details regarding the financial albatross that occupies the adjacent block of Penn Square, and are content to only report on their perspective of “vibrant, robust downtown”, without acknowledging the abysmal streets, on-going violence and ever-increasing tax burden that is driving residents out of tow. Of course, I suspect most LNP reporters/editors don’t call the city their “home”; so in the immortal words if Hillary Clinton…..”What difference does it make?”

  5. I guess when you label something as an “editorial” you get to just make stuff up.

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