LNP executives’ arrogant treatment of subscribers

To the Watchdog  who has had spent over half a century endeavoring to attract and please customers, the approach  of top management of the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. to  its subscribers  is indeed a ‘puzzlement.’

The latest example is the placing of 3” x 3” advertising stickers over lead front page articles.

We understand advertisements offset much of the costs of a newspaper.   But we purchase the newspaper for the prospect of reading it.   We resent being  forced to remove a sticker in order to do so.

These impositions in disregard of customer expectations will serve to hasten the day when circulation drops to the point that publication will no longer be sustainable.

Message to LNP management:  Subscribers are customers, not supplicants.   Treat them fairly.


1 Comment

  1. The Watchdog forgets that he was competing in the marketplace for his customers with other suppliers and if he did not “deliver the goods”, they would. That is not the case for the entrenched, monopoly print media in Lancaster, PA that operates with the full support of the “local establishment”.

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