Links to interesting articles

Thought you might find these stories on www.ItsOurEconomy.US of interest.


Soaring Tuition Due to Disinvestment by Government

Degrees of Debt “Since 1980 the overall consumer price index has increased by 179%, but during the same time college tuition and fees increased by 827%.” By Christopher Petrella Nation of Change, December 9, 2011 In a forceful critique against the …

The Walmart Heirs Have The Same Net Worth As The Bottom 30 Percent Of Americans

By Pat Garofalo Think Progress, December 9, 2011 Income inequality in the U.S. is currently the highest its been since the 1920s, with the 400 richest Americans (who are all billionaires) having as much wealth as the bottom 50 percent …

Drop In Unemployment Due to People Giving Up on Job Market, More Than New Jobs

Job growth strengthens but insufficient to cure sick labor market By Heidi Shierholz Economic Policy Institute, December 2, 2011 This morning’s release of the Employment Situation report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that 120,000 jobs were added in …

Who Are the 1 Percent?

By Dave Gilson Mother Jones,  Oct. 10, 2011 2:39 PM PDT Ian Munnings/Flickr Occupy Wall Street has focused national attention on the vast majority of Americans who have been left behind by the economic growth of the past few decades. …

52% of Unemployed Americans Do Not Receive Unemployment Benefits

By Christopher S. Rugaber AP The jobs crisis has left so many people out of work for so long that most of America’s unemployed are no longer receiving unemployment benefits. People stand in line to apply for jobs in Miami, …
