Limbaugh Blasts Media for ‘Sick’ Coverage


…When these kinds of incidents occur, [Rush] Limbaugh said, “I don’t recall one conservative, one Republican, one conservative blogger, making a mad dash to a computer to blame Democrats for what happened.

“Here we have a 22-year-old dopehead, insane, irrational, and the desperate hope that the losers of 2010 had was that they could revitalize their political fortunes because of this unfortunate shooting.”…

“They’re trying to link this shooting to me, to Sarah Palin, to talk radio. There’s no logic in any of the assertions they’re trying to make.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: There is a lesson for all of us in this tragedy, including the Watchdog.



  1. Limbaugh’s defense that “the other side does it too” hardly relieves him of his culpability and responsibility in degrading the discourse in this country.

    He more than any other broadcaster has helped shaped alarmist and fear-mongering political discourse to its lowest levels. These type of actions are what happens when you continue to poke crazy people with a stick. Its expected, but still a shame, that instead of recognizing his role in all of this he uses it to provoke a greater partisan divide.

  2. “More than any other broadcaster”…..well let see….how about Rachel Maddow, Keith Oberman and Gil Smart…….the blame is on BOTH sides of the aisle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. As much as someone may be annoyed by Maddow’s sarcasm, Olbermann’s bloviating or Gil Smart for not being a conservative in Lancaster County, rarely does their rhetoric even approach the ongoing vitriol, fear-mongering, and intentional distortions of Limbaugh, Beck, Savage and the rest.

    Just because you have the right to say something doesn’t mean you should. Over the past few years, I have been shocked at how far some politicians and talk show hosts will now go.

    At this point, there’s no proof that the Tuscon shooting can be directly linked to the coarsening political discourse in this country. That doesn’t mean, however, that it’s not responsible for other violent acts and it certainly should not be excused on either side. And I’m not referring to the ramblings of white supremacists or leftist bloggers; I’m talking about comments by politicians and media talking heads such as…

    “second amendment remedies”

    “We have the chance to fight this battle at the ballot box before we have to resort to the bullet box”

    “Don’t Retreat. Reload!”

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”

    “If ballots don’t work, bullets will”

    This type of rhetoric should be avoided by both sides of the aisle. The difference should also be noted between an occasional stupid remark and the constant drumbeat of hate-filled speech.

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