LGH should spend earnings more responsibly

To the author of the Lancaster General Hospital letter to the editor (published on August 15th), I refer to this passage from your letter:

“By the way, I’d rather see Lancaster General Hospital re-invest its profits into new buildings and medical technology in our community, creating jobs in our city, than to throw it to investors on Wall Street!”

Do you really think it is most responsible of the busiest, near monopolistic health care provider in the county, to continue overbuilding with such exorbitance as Italian marble floorings (in their new buildings)? Please agree with me that the profits for such a not-for-profit entity could and should be used toward patient care (see the Wall Street Journal article on Amish Health Care).

Your interpretation of LGH’s new buildings, etc. are the just another way of spreading their profitability in a less responsible manner.

In other words, I would rather care for another citizen of the county than have to spend the money on waxing yet another Italian marble floor.
