LGH response to NewsLanc inquiry re syringe exchange

I’m following up on the inquiry sent to Jan Bergen on behalf of NewsLanc.com which asked “whether Lancaster General has made arrangements to contribute to the up keep of the Bethel AME syringe exchange.”

No. We have not made arrangements. We are considering a request for support from the Urban League and have yet to provide its leaders with a decision.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Thank you.

John P. Lines
Director, Public Relations & Corporate Communications


1 Comment

  1. And so on and so on…

    The spread of HIV and Hepatitis C must not be near the top of the list for LGH. I’m sure they are more involved with the Med/Ed project and F & M.

    And so tick, tick, tick, goes the clock and more and more people become infected. There is an irony here considering LGH exists for the purpose of providing health care… or maybe that has been compromised as this fair city has been. By the greedy.

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