LETTER: What’s Penn Square Partners next excuse?

On 8/22, County Commission Chair Scott Martin unveiled his 5-year convention center fiscal plan.

The following day, 8/23, Penn Square Partner’s president Nevin Cooley pooh-poohed it saying the Pennsylvania Dutch Convention and Visitors Bureau (PDCVB) would be hurt. The Lancaster Newspapers followed with a self-serving editorial on 8/26 saying the exact same thing.

An article on 9/6, (what took so long?) says PDCVB supports the Martin Plan. Not only do they support it, but they have done so since 8/20, 2 days BEFORE the Scott Martin press conference…

If the PDCVB says yes, I think it’s time for PSP to come up with their next excuse.

Nevin? Are you out there Nevin?
