LETTER: Trump will kill off our Mid-East enemies.

If Trump gets elected, I would hope that he has the same, uh, guts as POTUS Harry Truman did, to treat our enemies in the middle east with the deadliest of warfare possible, with the Intent to Defeat them, so as to spare our Military lives from being wasted.


EDITOR:  The only problem would be figuring out who are our friends and who are our enemies.   

Incidentally, visited Viet Nam a year ago.  Wonderful, gracious people.  They love Americans. Thriving capitalist economy. Democracy making considerable headway.  

Perhaps a question we need to be asking ourselves before we take action is what will the situation be like fifty years down the road.

Then again, there is the domino theory.  And it has some validity.

As for Syria, benign neglect may be the best approach as far as joining battle.  Of course we should do all possible to arrive at a diplomatic solution.  

But that may not be Donald’s style.


1 Comment

  1. This isn’t a traditional enemy that stands in line to be killed like in the Truman days. So Trump would do no better or different than current strategy. You voted for Bush, he failed per Trump. Now you want Trump to carpet bomb the mistakes away. Good luck.

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