LETTER: “The ugly facts”

The ugly fact that the republican majority in the house and senate used our legal system to have eight Benghazi hearings only with the goal of trying to discredit Hillary.  It does not surprise me that they would use the FBI for the same purpose.

Remember how a patriot John Kerry  served a tour fighting in Vietnam only to have the 90% controlled Republican mass media turn his tour in Vietnam against him in a presidential run to discredit him. The sad result was it worked. Kerry didn’t have the funds to set the record straight to the majority of people.

Again we have Hillary who did an outstanding job as a public servant for 20 years only to be falsely accused of being a liar and a criminal and it is repeated in the Republican controlled mass media.   She has never been charged with anything and, unless she does something in the future, will never be convicted of anything.

It is despicable that Trump cannot criticize Hillary on the issues, because he is so ignorant of the issues, and is trying to make something bigger about Wieners emails than is there.

He also is following the 90% republican mass media with false charges that Hillary is a criminal, liar, cannot be trusted, control’s the government, etc. Nothing about why he disagrees with what she wants to do for this country as president.

I can’t wait to vote for Hillary and send this turd Trump packing.
