LETTER:  Rush to judgment re  AG Kathleen Kane

Re:  KEISLING: PA AG Kathleen Kane: Gagged, bound, and tied to the sawmill

Facts are what is in question.

Unarguable is that Kane exposed a network of “good old boys” exchanging email that they should not have on government-owned computers. Many of those “good old boys” have been forced out of office or are in danger of being forced out.

Unarguable is that the Inquirer received information that should not have been made public. Arguable is who leaked that information. Those who received that information:

  1. could have received it from Kane, or
  2. could have received it from their long-time contacts among the “good old boys”.

So, she is accused, but the facts behind the accusation are in question.

She is not a criminal until she has been convicted.


