LETTER: “Reefer Madness” vs. “21st Century”

RE: Capitolwire: Medical cannabis debate still raging despite General Assembly’s budget fever.

Hello Rep. Matt Baker:

While you were carrying out your 1937 “Reefer Madness” agenda the rest of the world has being catching up with the 21st century!

Here are some of the highlights of this past week.

BREAKING: U.S. Senate Appropriations votes 22-8 to approve a medical marijuana amendment mirroring the Rohrabacher Amendment that overwhelmingly passed in the House last week.

This means the DOJ namely the DEA cannot interfere with State Medical Cannabis Laws.

The Federal Government is giving the States the right to decide and so should you!

Canada Supreme Court declares all forms of medical Cannabis are legal.

Canada has had legal Medical Cannabis since 1993.
There is plenty of proof that cannabis works as a medicine you just have to be willing to read the actual scientific studies.

Dozens of children in Pennsylvania had hundreds of seizures this week with no hope for relief in the near future because one man is holding up the entire democratic process.

Rep. Baker it is not too late to change your mind and let this bill through to committee. You are interfering with the democratic process. Step aside and let the House decide.
Please consider the quality of life of those who are suffering daily.



1 Comment

  1. He does not and will not care. It is impossible for him to consider those studies and facts when his salary depends on him not knowing these facts. This is why, in my mind, it has officially become okay to break the law, grow it by the pound under ridiculously illegal circumstances and share it with those who are in need. So…that’s what I *am* doing with a Molan Labe attitude. Matt Baker can personally try to come and take it.

    If enough people would do as I do, the law becomes unenforceable. If we plant enough plants outside, they won’t have the resources needed to cut them all down or throw all of us in jail. I don’t even know how many plants exist now because of me. But, I do know one thing: They can’t all be found and destroyed. And, I used males and females. They will spread from where they were down.

    I am doing everything in my power to transform Pennsylvania right out from under these politicians. Regardless what they say, think or try to enforce…they’ve already lost. It will just take a bit of time for my actions to bloom and overpower theirs.

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