LETTER: Perhaps Senate should move ‘Direct Address’ hearing to Salem, MA


Re: KEISLING: Part One- The Pennsylvania Senate attempt at Direct Address of 1891 is so relevant today

Superb investigative journalism!

Kane is entitled to a trial. Perhaps the GOP “political sharps” realize that an early impeachment trial is incompatible with Kane’s anticipated criminal trial, in either or both of which Kane would be able to actually defend herself.

And now we have Deputy Attorney General Bruce Beemer an unelected holdover Republican appointee in the AG’s opining that Kane had no authority to name a Special Prosecutor to investigate the so called “Porngate” scandal which is seminal to this entire affair. Curiously, he expressed that view in a letter to one Sen. Lisa Baker, who has no legal background and is merely a member of the committee that has recommended the “Direct Address” procedure, which also deprives Kane of her right to defend herself.

Perhaps the proceeding should be conducted in Salem, MA, which seems a more appropriate venue for this type of proceeding.

Gov. Wolfe is in a tough spot here because larger issues require he work with the GOP majority in the
