LETTER: Objects to Rob McCord criticizing Tom Wolf

McCord may very well be the best qualified of all the candidates, but his baseless racist attacks on Tom Wolf demonstrate a personality that is unsuitable for him to be Governor. Even Tom Corbett looked really good on paper, but his attitudes as Governor have harmed the people of Pennsylvania in many different ways.

NOW is not the time for Democratic candidates to be attacking each other, instead they need to convince voters why they are best qualified to be Governor. It is essential that all Democrats pull together in support of whoever wins the primary in order to defeat Corbett in the fall.

EDITOR: Normally we would agree. But this is not a normal campaign.

One individual of no conspicuous merit but able to borrow $5 million to purchase TV advertisement is about to run off with the nomination. The public needs to know more about that candidate than his TV ads.

An approach of “Anybody but Corbett” may bring about another Corbett. Or retain the one we have.

And who says McCord’s attacks are baseless? Tom Wolf has remained silent for a decade while bad things were happening in York County to minorities. Read “The Wrong Car” by Bill Keisling.
