I have used the ‘Letter to the Editor’ feature many times. With a limit of 150 words, it is very difficult to make a single point with supporting evidence. Multiple points, forget it.

Op Ed pieces are not printed just because they are sent. Any way you slice it, your voice is only published at the ‘pleasure of the editor’.  The newspaper controls what is said. And LNP does seem to exhibit partiality for the major players in Lancaster thru feature articles.

The potential for imbalanced, detailed information presented with limited, 150 words, disjointed rebuttal is NOT public discourse. Or is that the goal?


1 Comment

  1. I couldn’t agree more. Once when I wrote a letter that happened to run slightly over the 150 word limit, only the first half of the letter was used. The main point that I was making happened to be in the part of the letter that had been cut off. I complained to Mr. Adams. The next week, the second half of the letter was published!

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