LETTER: McCain was no hero

Re: Trump and His Apologists

Trump is a demagogue and the other sleazy pack of liars running in the Republican primaries aren’t?

The WSJ have been lubing us up for another Bush presidency and they don’t like anything that could change that. Go Trump! I will vote for him; he is no more crazy than the idiots running in both parties. He is certainly no more a demagogue than Reagan was and everyone lionizes his crazy presidency like it was a gift from heaven.

As far as McCain goes I agree with Trump; the guy isn’t a hero. Of course he won’t release his POW records but a guy that left POW camp weighing what he went in; it’s pretty clear what he did, it is called collaboration.

The Vietnamese saved his life and extracted as much information about the war effort they could from him and they knew he was the son of an Admiral. He received special treatment and he knows it and has always hidden behind what he did and wants everyone to believe he was tortured even letting people believe that his injuries stem from torture when in fact they were from the ejection from his jet. That said, his war record stands above George W. Bush’s because at least he has one to defend.
