LETTER: Is Kane carrying out a real investigation of ”old boy network?”

I keep hearing about how she is going to take down the old boy network, but I have yet to hear one concrete allegation aside from the e-mails. This is probably going to turn out like her investigation into how Corbett delayed it to protect somebody or another. That one blew up in her face too. Especially when she claimed that another boy was molested while Corbett delayed the investigation. She had to issue a retraction because she lied.


EDITOR:  Interesting observation.  Of course her hands may have been tied due to the suspension of her law license, the need to defend herself, and deputies who are Republican holdovers who are hostile to her.

Newslanc has defended her right to a trial or an impeachment hearing.  Also, we have questioned whether the charges against her are accurate and her offenses, if proven, serious enough to justify a conviction.

Kane was very inexperienced when elected. Acquitted and with her law license restored, she might prove a formidable attorney general in a second term. Certainly she would bring in a new group of deputes and department heads.


