LETTER: In essence, this appears to be another Pennsylvania “witch hunt” of a woman

Re: KEISLING: Inquirer and Patriot-News re Kathleen Kane: So much smoke, so little fire

I posted the majority of this comment on the Facebook page of The Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network, as they have a link for this terrific article about what PA attorney General Kathleen Kane is enduring.

In essence, this appears to be another Pennsylvania “witch hunt” of a woman, in this case the Attorney General of the Commonwealth, telling the truth and exposing the dysfunction, horrific cover-ups and corruption that was allowed to endure in the states AG’s office for far too long, prior to her administration.

If you only knew what has been done to innocent people in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the cover ups by former PA AG’s, among the other outrageous on goings like the Porn Scandal, just look at what has been done to innocent PA Homeowner Associations (“HOAs”) in the HOA abuses, criminality and property thefts.

What did former PA AG’s do about this? Nothing! Probably because the HOA crimes involve HOA boards, attorneys and some judges, or former judges and other well connected accomplices in some locales.

It is a disgrace and it is criminal to allow these bands of thieves, thugs and bullies to steal homes from innocent homeowners and ignore the pleas of the victims for legitimate investigations, prosecutions and rectification. Furthermore, where are the PA Porn emails? Why have they not been released? Is this Attorney Kane’s fault as well? I don’t think so.

Pennsylvania Attorney General is learning the hard way what has been told to women in the HOA abuses, criminality and property thefts in the Commonwealth, and that is that there is no justice for decent, law abiding, honest and transparent women in areas Pennsylvania, “unless they can pay for it.”

“When these guys, (or men) want to do stuff like this to you, it’s best for you to lie under oath, don’t you think’? Is more, or less, what one PA HOA and legal abuse victim was told. They should let this woman do her job and clean up and clean out the criminality and corruption and apathy that has been business as usual in prior PA AG’s “administrations.”
