LETTER: First Deputy AG preventing AG from defending herself


Re:  Re:  Deputy Attorney General seeks to prevent independent investigation of e-mail scandal


[First Deputy Attorney General Bruce] Beemer sent the letter regarding Kane’s alleged lack of authority to hire a special prosecutor — not to the courts, to one State Senator Lisa Baker, who is not even a lawyer, much less a judge. On what basis is she able to judge the issue Beamer raises?

In fact, Baker’s involvement has been as a member of the Special Committee that has already recommended “Direct Address,” a process designed to deprive Kane of a fair trial as demanded by the impeachment process.

Looks like Beemer is taking additional steps to prevent Kane from defending herself and Baker is the designated water carrier.

Beemer reportedly has brought the matter to an “anonymous” judge. Maybe he went to Judge Anonymous because Judge Kangaroo was unavailable. This entire process does not pass the smell test.
