Let’s not politicize Medical Marijuana

Wow! [Medical Marijuana] is finally being looked at. The problem is it’s being looked at in a very unfair light.

I’ve read comments on this bill and nearly all have quoted “the Republicans” as not wanting it to pass. How can such a thing as what political party one belongs to be allowed to determine what is right or wrong? In any situation?

Democrats are for it and Republicans aren’t? Ridiculous! If opinions were mixed it would appear to be a fair debate. But again, they’re not.

Instead one’s political party seems to be the determining factor.

Come on Congress. Do the math. So many legal drugs to help people. Why not one more?

Marijuana is a simple herb found in nature itself. Don’t make this a political decision. Take into consideration the tax money from tobacco taxes: Imagine the taxes that this cheap natural plant would generate to help all Pennsylvanians. Vote on it and pass the bill!

Editor’s note:  Many of the leading exponents of medical marijuana are Libertarian Republicans. Many Conservative Republicans also are supportive of marijuana as medicine. Polls show 70% national support, which represents a broad consensus.


1 Comment

  1. I am one of gazillions of economic Republicans and we agree with you. In fact taxing and regulating is our goal when it comes to cannabis. If you think we Republicans are a bunch of squares think again:

    “Here’s a country where you’re allowed to kill a baby in the womb but your not allowed to put a chemical in your body that has a temporary effect on your mind because the government has some neo Victorian attitude about it.” Judge Andrew Napolitano on Marijuana

    “Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could.”
    – William F. Buckley Jr. quote on Marijuana

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