Let’s Join Japan and Junk New Nukes

Sorry for so many emails on this, this morning, but this one brings it home. By the way, did you see the FDA announced it will not be testing fish coming from the Asian Pacific?  I wonder if they are worried what they will find! Of course, these (non)regulators claim they will find nothing.   KZ

Let’s Join Japan and Junk New Nukes

From the HUFFPOST:

Japan will build no new nuclear reactors. It’s a huge body blow to the global industry, and could mark a major turning point in the future of energy.

Says Prime Minister Naoto Kan: “We need to start from scratch… and do more to promote renewables.”

Wind power alone could–and now probably will–replace 40 nukes in Japan…

Click here to read the full article.


1 Comment

  1. Regarding dangerous to eat fish, Giant has in the past sold a fish called Basa or Pengas fish which is sheer poison. A friend had told me to buy this fish as it was a mild, inexpensive catch.

    I asked the counter person where it came from and he did not know. I went home and looked it up on the internet, read disgusting and stomach turning description of what this fish was fed, that it was caught in the Mekong River (one of the filthiest rivers in the world), and I promptly returned the fish and told the Manager what I had learned.

    Giant no longer carries this fish, but I would say to anyone buying fish to do your own research as you cannot depend on the FDA to protect us from poisonous food and poisonous food sources. They just don’t do their job.

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