Leopard spots can’t change

[Concerning the “Inconvenient truth about Gore]

A Dec. 9, [1999] editorial in the Lancaster [Pa.] New Era even published the polished misquote that the Republican National Committee had stuck in a press release: “I was the one who started it all.”

The New Era then went on to psychoanalyze Gore. “Maybe the lying is a symptom of a more deeply-rooted problem: Al Gore doesn’t know who he is,” the editorial stated. “The vice president is a serial prevaricator.”

Leopard spots can’t change.

[See link attached to Comment]

EDITOR: The link exonerates Al Gore but, as importantly, shows how media misquotes then further misquoted can totally distort the meaning of what a person actually said.

This was one of several distortions that deprived Gore of credit for his accomplishments and characterized him as a phony. This in itself, without the bad luck of the ‘butterfly ballots’ in West Palm Beach, Florida, tipped the Electoral College in behalf of “W”.
