LeCrone’s departure bad timing

Tom LeCrone’s willingness to serve on the LCCCA board and the expertise he brought to the board is commendable. But the timing of his departure in light of the serious charges against Art Morris is not.

Morris could very well have been (and should’ve been) pressured to remove himself from the board entirely, and certainly to step down from the Chair’s seat. Now, with yes-man Ted re-upped and project cheerleader, Julie Dickson, replacing gentleman LeCrone, the composition of the board is weighted 5-2 in favor of
project enablers and apologists.

The board also lost a lot of civility.

And to think just a couple of months ago the citizens could have had a 4-3 majority. Pity.

Get used to Art Morris as czar of this project. Bad move, bad timing, bad day.

Editor’s Note: 5/2 may be slightly pessimistic. But things could get worse. Ted Darcus may return as chair. This will be the ultimate attempt to squelch dissidents.
