Latin nations object to Obama’s Cuba policy

USA TODAY: Some delegates to this weekend’s Summit of the Americas threaten to block future meetings if the United States does not allow Cuba to attend.

“All the countries here in Latin American and the Caribbean want Cuba to be present,” said Evo Morales, the leftist president of Bolivia. “But the United States won’t accept. … It’s like a dictatorship.”

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, the host for this year’s summit, protested U.S. Cuba policy overall: “The isolation, the embargo, the indifference, looking the other way, have been ineffective.” …  (more)

EDITOR: Next year, let  Cuba send an observer.   That will be a diplomaticly constructive step, it will keep the Cubans from being confrontational, and will not stir up as much the againg Miami Cuban population who are major contributors to political parties and controls a big block of votes.
