A blog posting entitled “From the annals-of-journalism dept.” attempts to refute NewsLanc criticism of “McCaskey’s Challenge” that appeared in the Sunday News of Sept. 21.

“So to summarize, the only real problems with this investigation are, 1. It wasn’t an investigation; 2. It didn’t come close to revealing anything worth knowing about McCaskey sports or any other subject in the universe; and, 3. I take that back; it may have (unintentionally) revealed a few things about”

WATCHDOG: The purpose of the NewsLanc article was to point out that McCaskey was not doomed to fail because its students are from inner city households, which was an unfortunate implication of an otherwise good report. To do so, we supplied the 2007 records of inner city schools in Reading, York, Harrisburg and Coatesville.

The snide critique actually makes our point.

The article can be read here.

Updated: May 8, 2009 — 3:15 pm