Lancaster Township studying alternate ‘firehouse’ locations to parkland

In a Letter to the management of the Manor House apartments, Township Manager Bill Laudien states:

“Thank you for your input.

“As I’ve indicated from the outset, we are at the beginning of this process.  Our desire to secure the parkland has been to provide the Township with the most obvious and workable option, based on the work previously conducted by the fire company.  I’ve repeatedly made the point… that the Township has  a commitment to independently evaluate the situation from the perspective as the property owner, the agency responsible for the long term overall safety of the Township, but also as the as body charged with maximizing other quality-of-life responsibilities.

“Over the last few months we’ve spent a significant amount of time living up to those promises.  I’ve also spent time with interested community members, keeping them informed of our efforts and progress.

“After extensive research, consideration, and evaluation, I think we’re nearing a point when I should be able to provide the Supervisors and the public with a comprehensive overview of the work that’s been done.  I anticipate being able to make a full presentation of the outcome of those efforts in the March Supervisors meeting, or if the Supervisors deem it necessary, at a special meeting for the purpose of discussing this matter.

“I understand that regardless the outcome, there are going to be individuals or perhaps groups that will find themselves dissatisfied.  But at the end of the process, I would anticipate any reasonable and fair-minded person will have a better understanding of the objective, evaluative processes that we’ve used, as well as an appreciation for all the factors taken into consideration in a study of this type.

“I appreciate your offer to discuss this matter in person, but until the Supervisors have had an opportunity to see all the data collected, and provide me with some additional direction, any site specific discussion is premature.  I will pass along your most recent concerns to the Supervisors. I would invite you to continue to participate in the process, to learn more about the work we’ve done, and to provide additional input based on all the available information.”
