News article Incinerator purchase will boost waste authority’s revenues” states:

“LCSWMA already is the biggest waste authority in Pennsylvania in terms of revenues. By buying the incinerator, it will see those revenues jump by at least 50 percent.”

“Long lauded by industry insiders as a forward-looking model of waste management..” “And as an example of LCSWMA’s and executive director Jim Warner’s business acumen…”


Dah.  Yes acquisition will increase revenues.  But the issue is whether it will bring about disastrous losses.

As to the other two quotes, the last time we heard so much news article praise of a business person from the Lancaster Newspaper were descriptions of S. Dale High during the run up to  the convention center project.  We know what that got us.  To paraphrase historian George  Santayana:  Learn from history or repeat it.

Updated: April 15, 2013 — 10:24 am