Front page article LNP names two top execs” reports:

“…Over the next nine months, [Robert M. Krasne, President and Publisher] said readers and advertisers can expect to see a series of new, improved products roll out:

“• A new, interactive digital replica of the newspaper, or eEdition, will launch by early summer.

“• An easier-to-navigate design of the LancasterOnline website will debut by fall.

“• And the organization and appearance of the newspaper itself will be improved by year’s end, with popular features anchored where readers can easily find them…”

“Subscriptions are up. Advertising revenues are headed in the right direction as well,” Krasne said…

“Newspapers bring to the public’s attention issues that can help move this community forward,” Krasne said. “They promote conversation about issues important to our lives.”

“They are the glue that holds communities together.”…

WATCHDOG: Three wags of the tail!  After over a decade of spotty reporting, clouded vision, and management bungling, a notable example being the Convention Center Project debacle, Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. has apparently found and is charting a course to sustain the publication, perhaps indefinitely.

We share Krasne’s view of the importance of a vital regional newspaper.

Hopefully the article will be read in its entirety.

One small exception:  We suspect they slipped up in reporting  the following:

“In Lancaster County, for instance, the paper reaches about 200,000 people each day, or 75 percent of all adults during the course of a week.

Another 125,000 people read the digital version of that news online.”

Instead of “Another 125,000 people read the digital version” they likely mean  “125,000 people read the digital version.”

We doubt that they have any way of measuring what percentage both read the newspapers and also visit the Internet, which is quite common.  Therefore “Another” is inaccurate because it suggests a total audience of 325,000, which is likely in part double counting. 

Updated: March 18, 2013 — 8:47 pm


  1. Just another self-serving pat on their own back. What would the readership numbers be if LNP was not a monopoly? My guess is Lancaster Countians would flock to another alternate source for unbiased reporting if we only had a choice.

  2. Time will tell, but one thing is clear, with the advent of the internet more and varied coverage has never been better. Major news leads are almost always generated by social media, by people right at the action.

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