In a column “Ideas rather than invective”, Associate Editor Gil Smart writes:  “Back in November I got an email from G. Tyler Fischer, who wrote: “I run a Christian school in Lancaster County. I also enjoy your column.”

“Fischer, headmaster of Veritas Academy in Leola, asked for a favor. Would I come out to his school and make an argument with which a majority of his students would disagree? The idea being for the kids to hear my argument, and then respond — but not with invective, and not with anger, but with reason. He wants the kids to think and debate. Yes, they would disagree with me; but there needed to be a rational basis for their disagreement, and the whole point was to get them to articulate it.

“I thought it was a fantastic idea, and so last month, I spent portions of two days at the academy, having lunch with some kids and talking politics, current events and my own background the first day, and making my argument — in favor of gay marriage — the second…”

WATCHDOG: Three wags of the tail for Fischer and Smart.

Updated: March 4, 2012 — 10:59 am

1 Comment

  1. Agreed. I think it’s brilliant.

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