In “Private enterprise needs public investment”, Associate Editor Gill Smart writes:

Take the newspaper you’re holding in your hands right now. Consider that the company that publishes this newspaper is a venerable firm that built its success over many generations through hard work and acumen. That’s America, and that’s how it should be. Anyone who says Obama was suggesting anything else is flat-out lying.

But consider that this newspaper could not have gotten into your hands without public investment in public roads. The trucks that carry this newspaper to every the, travel on streets and highways paid for not just by the newspaper owners county, and beyond, but by you and me…”

WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail.  This is a column that we wished we had written.  When the Watchdog signs a check for income taxes, he feels that he is sharing earnings with his ‘partner’.   Otherwise he would be living in a jungle, not able to run a business and  to hold onto the greater portion of his earnings.  He only wishes the government used the taxes more wisely.

Updated: August 5, 2012 — 11:23 am


  1. Oh, please! He took it almost word for word from Obama!

  2. Please stop trying to explain what the President said. I have ears. I know what he said.

  3. Gil Smart should have used the Penn Square Partners/Marriott Hotel bleeding of the Lancaster County Convention Center/Lancaster City and County Taxpayers as a prime example of using using public funds for private gain. The public will be paying for PSP’s unfair hotel advantage and accompanying profits for generations.

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