The Post’s August 8 front page shows an elderly lady holding up an eviction letter to the camera and the headline cries out “Landis Homes, Serving One Another, to 92 year-old resident: LEAVE!”

WATCHDOG: The article goes on to mention that Margaret Rombach is behind in payments by$67,903.31 as of May 31, and yet gave gifts amounting to $22,000to her daughter over the past two years. Furthermore, by making the gifts, Ms. Rombach forfieted her eligibility for a government subsidy that would have underwritten her monthly fees.

Seems to NewsLanc that someone is trying to improperly enrich themselves at the expense of Landis Homes. How is Landis Homes to provide for the charitable needs of residents if children of the elderly are consuming funds that are needed for the parent’s upkeep?

If the Post were to investigate such practices, it would have a far better story.

Updated: May 8, 2009 — 4:23 pm