The headline on its cover for June 6 reads: “Like Father, Like Son” and shows a man allegedly spiriting away copies of the Post from a Turkey Hill. He is identified as the father of one of the students whose picture was on the cover the week earlier .


1) We congratulate the Post for being able to publish on time despite the distractions caused by F & M president John Fry and the college’s combination Keystone Cops and thugs;

2) We had previously criticized the Post for naming the students;

3) We do not fault John Fry for endeavoring to have the young men accepted into a program that would keep them out of prison and ultimately allow them to expunge the record through restitution and public service, since NewsLanc has published articles indicating how the program serves all first time similar offenders; and

4) We think the public will be more sympathetic to the father than to the author of the front page stories, Ron Harper, Jr.

Updated: May 12, 2009 — 3:17 pm