An editorial “ A breakthrough on shutdown” opines:

“Now, both sides have relented, and that is how any good negotiation works”

“The president’s contention that Congress has already authorized the spending that is driving the debt limit is valid to a degree, but it is not an excuse for more of the same.”

“The Republican strategy of demanding changes in Affordable Care Act to keep the federal government running and maintaining the nation’s standing as a reliable payer of its debts was untenable.”

WATCHDOG: “Both sides have relented”? What a stretch. The far right faction of the Republican Party was thumbing its nose at its constitutional obligations, trampling on legislative tradition, and undermining the comity of the nation. Barack Obama bravely stood up to them and they had to crawl away on their bellies, which is as it should be. President Obama didn’t just preserve the nation’s credit; he safeguarded the Constitution!

The faction was attempting a legislative coup by endeavoring to roll back legitimate legislation by closing the government and threatening default on the national debt.

The editor is correct that those who want to restrain deficit spending must do so through the normal legislative process as intended by our founding fathers, provided for in the Constitution, and practiced since the inception of the nation.

We also give the editor credit for acknowledging that Republican strategy was “untenable.” We would call it despicable.

We award half of a wag of the tail for the begrudging acknowledgement of Right Wing folly.

Updated: October 19, 2013 — 9:09 am

1 Comment

  1. hear hear

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