Editorial “Politics and climate change” opines:

“Few topics are more politically charged — and confusing — than climate change…

“The debate took a curious turn this week, following a stunning reversal by an influential climate skeptic, Richard A. Muller, a Berkeley physicist…

“Muller’s revelation may not end the debate, but perhaps it could help depoliticize it to a point where the discussion about extreme weather is not overtaken by extreme political views.”

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail.  The editorial merits reading in full.

Updated: August 3, 2012 — 10:30 am

1 Comment

  1. Let’s drop this stupid global warming subject, ban the word extremists, and begin to argue about how many angels we can fit on the head of a pin. Even if man made global warming is true, the models are not reliable and fixing it is very expensive, and what if we spend the trillions of dollars to fix it only to find it’s a hoax, or some scientist made a calculation error.

    Do people really want me to believe the accuracy of temperature measurements from hundreds of years ago? As a plus, the Chinese and Indian governments are building carbon fired power plants by the hundreds and with 8 times our population our small contribution is meaningless. Amen

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