Editorial “Don’t delay plan to require election ID” states

“The new law requires voters to show photo identification when they vote in order to thwart the possibility of such fraud.  Formerly, all anyone had to do was provide a name and sign a log.  No proof of identity – with or without photo – was required following the first time voting.”

WATCHDOG: Funny, when we send a check to the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., they never ask us for a copy of a photo ID.  Why?  Banks have the responsibility of checking signatures on checks against the signature given when the bank account is opened.

Assuming the editor(s) has taken the time to vote, he / she must be aware that that voters have to sign the voting register and a copy of each voter’s registration  signature is viewable by the clerk who compares the two.

If we can send checks in the hundreds, thousands and perhaps even tens of thousands of dollars based solely on our signature, why should not our signature be sufficient when we vote?

Updated: July 11, 2012 — 10:58 am