Editorial “A ban on large soft drinks”* states:

“…The argument against soft drinks is essentially the same as it was with trans fats:  The stuff’s bad for you…

“People have the right to choose the soft drink (or food preservative) they want, even if it’s the wrong choice.”

WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail.   The same should be said about marijuana.   Prohibition doesn’t work… then or now.

What does work is moral suasion, educating people concerning dangers of products.  Successful efforts have been Mothers Against Drunken Drivers (MADD) and federal government warnings against the dangers of cigarettes.

NewsLanc finds itself repeatedly agreeing with New Era stances.  We attribute this to its editors recently adopting the voice of traditional moderate Republicanism.  Long may it last.

* No link available at

Updated: June 4, 2012 — 11:10 am