Editorial Drug abuse no laughing matter” brays:

“Marijuana is not an opiate. Opiates are painkillers, like Percodan or Darvon, which are legally available by prescription but can be purchased illegally in the street.

But the effects are the same. They are mind-altering, mood-altering substances that, when abused, can destroy lives and burden society.

Anything that promotes illegal drug use or drug abuse — including a late-night comic’s riff on relaxing marijuana laws — does society no good.”

WATCHDOG: We can envision the ignoramus who wrote the above going home to a double scotch or dry martini and for a good smoke, both far more dangerous than indulging in marijuana munchies.

Equating marijuana with opiates displays a total ignorance of the science of the subject.  In fact, a federal study long ago established that marijuana are comparable to coffee while alcohol and cigarettes are as dangerous as cocaine and heroin.

We theorize that every once in a while the New Era editor turns the editorial  space over to the same damn fool who writes counter factual, myth laden harrumphs.  We had hoped this ended with the exit of Ernie Schreiber.

Updated: May 7, 2012 — 6:00 pm

1 Comment

  1. THANK YOU. This is still bothering me several days later. What an irresponsible piece.

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